Support the mission of Save Your Thyroid

Save Your Thyroid: A patient education and advocacy organization

Preventing unnecessary thyroid surgeries and preserving quality of life, through education

Save Your Thyroid (SYT) is an unbiased community and seeking to become non-profit organization for patients seeking nonsurgical treatment options for thyroid cysts, nodules and cancers. Our mission is to prevent unnecessary thyroid surgeries through education, preserving quality of life for as many patients as possible. We provide an unbiased community for patients to find and share resources and testimonials for FDA approved, nonsurgical/thermal ablation treatment options, including:  

  • Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
  • Percutaneous Ethanol Ablation (PEI or ETOH)
  • Laser ablation (PLA or LA)
  • Microwave Ablation (MWA)
  • Cryoablation
  • Thyroid Arterial Embolization (TAE)

Our organization is run entirely by patients who generously volunteer their time to help their patient peers. We do this because we are passionate about preserving the thyroid gland, as it is vital to good health. 

150,000 thyroidectomies are performed annually in the US; two-thirds of those are for benign disease.

Save Your Thyroid was co-founded in 2019 by Jennifer Holkem, a patient suffering with a huge benign thyroid mass. While she desperately needed relief from her condition, she was not a good surgical candidate. She also had perfect thyroid function and did not want to take thyroid medication for the rest of her life. After doing hours of research and making many phone calls, she finally found a physician who could treat her using Radiofrequency Ablation. The procedure was a success and tremendously changed her life for the better! While the difficulties in finding in accessing the procedure were great, she felt that she could not keep this information to herself; she knew more patients would need to know how they too could save their thyroid. Because of this, she co-founded the Save Your Thyroid community on Facebook. At that time, she also started her YouTube channel, Its me Jen again, where she shares educational content geared towards fellow patients (this content is now also available on Spotify!). 

70 percent of adults will suffer from thyroid nodules in their lifetime

Thyroid nodules are a growing problem today and patients are desperate for nonsurgical treatment options. Since its inception, the Save Your Thyroid patient community has surpassed 9,000 members. This growth has occurred organically through our members sharing with others. As the community grows, so does our need for resources and support. Would you consider supporting our mission and helping us in this labor of love?

How you can support our mission

If SYT has been helpful to you, you can give back by volunteering. Please email to learn more.

Also, please consider donating to our cause  via our fiscal sponsor, ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors Association!

  • Click here to donate.

  • Please designate your gift for SYT.  

Thank you so much for your support! Together, we hope to help as many patients as possible avoid unnecessary surgery, save their thyroid, and preserve their quality of life. 



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